Initial Consultation – Meeting With a Radiation Oncologist

Here’s What to Expect During Your Initial Consultation

Preparing for your Visit

Your initial consultation will be an opportunity for you to meet your doctor and discuss the details of your diagnosis. During this time, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about your diagnosis and implications with regard to treatment and anticipated outcomes.

You will also have a discussion with your team regarding whether or not radiation treatment plays any role in your care. Your doctor will perform a physical exam and spend time discussing with you and your family whether radiation treatment may be helpful.

If your doctor recommends radiation treatment he or she will also discuss the risks and benefits of treatment and answer your questions. Should you decide to go ahead with radiation treatment, then we will work to schedule the simulation to begin the planning process.

You will be provided contact information and are encouraged to contact your treatment team should any additional questions or concerns arise.

Have a question? Contact your local team today.